
NUANCE – September 2010

About this Issue Tusu, CEO, UbuntuNet Alliance In preparation for UbuntuNet-Connect 2010, we thought it would be useful to share some updates on progress among the different NRENs to prime our readers for this important annual event.  The briefs come straight from the desks of the CEOs of the member NRENs.  Any way one looks …

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NUANCE – July 2010

Fibre opportunities for Africa! Given the flurry of undersea cables being laid and the forthcoming AfricaConnect initiative, it has been decided to dedicate this issue of NUANCE to emerging fibre opportunities around and especially within Africa.  The photo shows three fibre gurus representing SEACOM, EASSy and TEAMS at the Brussels EU Africa Connect meeting on …

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NUANCE – June 2010

A coming together of many minds: East African Higher Education and ICT Symposium in Kampala The two-day East African ICT & Higher Education Symposium 2010 was held in Kampala, Uganda from 27 – 28 June 2010.   The Internet Society, Verizon and the Uganda Communications Commission were catalysts of the gathering. This multi-stakeholder Symposium brought together …

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NUANCE – May 2010

NUANCE starts its 3rd year of publication and the UbuntuNet Alliance its 5th year of existence! The year from May 2009 till April 2010 has been one of steady progress for UbuntuNet Alliance. The appointment of Tusu on a 2 year CEO contract, the reappointment of Professor Zimani Kadzamira as the chairperson of UbuntuNet Alliance …

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NUANCE – April 2010

SEACOM Cable Cut Highlights Need for Alternate Cable Routes The honeymoon that has been enjoyed by NRENs (and other sectors) due to the reduced internet access prices ushered in by SEACOM came to a rude end when the SEACOM cable experienced a major outage along the Mediterranean section of their connectivity during the third and …

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NUANCE – November 2009

Minister Awori opens UbuntuNet-Connect 2009  The Uganda Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Honourable Aggrey Awori opened the 2 day UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 on 12th November in Kampala, Uganda. The event, the biggest yet to be organised by the Alliance was hosted by RENU and brought together over 100 participants from more than 25 countries across …

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NUANCE – October 2009

All Roads lead to Kampala!  UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 will be held this year in Kampala, hosted by the Research and Education Network of Uganda, RENU.  A cluster of activities will take place surrounding this event: An NREN Routing Training Workshop, 7-10 November,  co-sponsored by the Alliance, ISOC, and AAU; Meeting of the NREN CEOs and CTOs …

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NUANCE – September 2009

UbuntuNet Alliance conducts Outcome Mapping for CORENA Monitoring and evaluation is crucial for the success of a programme. CORENA, Consolidating Research and Education Networking in Africa, puts together the vision and aspirations of UbuntuNet Alliance in the next few years. On 9-11th September 2009, NREN CEOs and Researchers from UbuntuNet Alliance Membership region gathered in …

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UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Early Bird-Registration Open