NUANCE – February 2011

Call for nominations of UbuntuNet Alliance Directors The term of office of the current UbuntuNet Alliance Management Board expires at the 5th Council of Members Meeting in April 2011 in Addis Ababa and therefore a new Board will have to be elected for a 2 year term. To this effect, we are calling for Member …

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NUANCE – November 2010

Peering upgrade to 20 Gig approved: UbuntuNet becoming a “Major player in the global REN scene” Margaret Ngwira In January 2008, one of the first tangible offerings of UbuntuNet Alliance was the REN transit connection to GÉANT. This followed the approval by the GÉANT NREN Policy Committee, and was implemented using a Cisco 7606 router …

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NUANCE – September 2010

About this Issue Tusu, CEO, UbuntuNet Alliance In preparation for UbuntuNet-Connect 2010, we thought it would be useful to share some updates on progress among the different NRENs to prime our readers for this important annual event.  The briefs come straight from the desks of the CEOs of the member NRENs.  Any way one looks …

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NUANCE – February 2010

Twenty years since the short walk to freedom Members of UbuntuNet Alliance join our brothers and sisters worldwide in paying tribute to Nelson Mandela for his role in providing the opportunities that are being enjoyed in our continent through the peaceful transition in South Africa. Twenty years on, we see huge progress to the region …

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NUANCE – November 2009

Minister Awori opens UbuntuNet-Connect 2009  The Uganda Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Honourable Aggrey Awori opened the 2 day UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 on 12th November in Kampala, Uganda. The event, the biggest yet to be organised by the Alliance was hosted by RENU and brought together over 100 participants from more than 25 countries across …

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NUANCE – June 2009

Twenty Sites Participate in the TNC2009 Right from their Desktops Over 20 remote sites from all over the world participated in the 2009 TERENA Networking Conference which took place in Malaga in Spain from 8 to 10 June 2009. Remote participation was open during the session: Implications & Benefits of Connectivity Beyond Europe on 9th …

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NUANCE – September 2008

UbuntuNet Alliance and AAU sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) With an aim of cementing the working relationship in research and education networking in Africa, UbuntuNet Alliance and the Association of African Universities (AAU) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The two parties agree to work together to promote research and education networking in Africa, based …

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UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Early Bird-Registration Open