
NUANCE – October 2012

UbuntuNet-Connect 2012, the largest Ever! By the sandy shores of the Indian Ocean at Kunduchi Beach Resort, Tanzania, TERNET, the Tanzanian NREN, hosted the largest UbuntuNet-Connect conference ever, both in terms of numbers, and in terms of the participating countries.  One is tempted to right away dwell on the stunning beauty of the venue; the …

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NUANCE – September 2010

About this Issue Tusu, CEO, UbuntuNet Alliance In preparation for UbuntuNet-Connect 2010, we thought it would be useful to share some updates on progress among the different NRENs to prime our readers for this important annual event.  The briefs come straight from the desks of the CEOs of the member NRENs.  Any way one looks …

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NUANCE – May 2010

NUANCE starts its 3rd year of publication and the UbuntuNet Alliance its 5th year of existence! The year from May 2009 till April 2010 has been one of steady progress for UbuntuNet Alliance. The appointment of Tusu on a 2 year CEO contract, the reappointment of Professor Zimani Kadzamira as the chairperson of UbuntuNet Alliance …

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NUANCE – April 2010

SEACOM Cable Cut Highlights Need for Alternate Cable Routes The honeymoon that has been enjoyed by NRENs (and other sectors) due to the reduced internet access prices ushered in by SEACOM came to a rude end when the SEACOM cable experienced a major outage along the Mediterranean section of their connectivity during the third and …

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NUANCE – May 2009

TEAMS Cable lands in Mombasa The East African Marine System, TEAMS has landed in Mombasa, Kenya. President Mwai Kibaki of the Republic of Kenya officially launched the landing of the cable on 12th June 2009 at a function which was also attended by Uganda’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Minister, Aggrey Awori. The launch has …

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UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Early Bird-Registration Open