Harold Bowa

Webinar Series 2022-4: Part 2 of Cloud Services on Amazon Web Services for Higher Education

The “Cloud Services for Research and Education II: AWS” webinar held on June 28, 2022 and organized by the UbuntuNet Alliance was a successor to a similar event held earlier in the year. The webinar peaked 27 active participants from 12 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and 15 research and academic institutions. In February …

Webinar Series 2022-4: Part 2 of Cloud Services on Amazon Web Services for Higher Education Read More »

Showcase your Company and Services at UbuntuNet-Connect 2022

The journey to UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 is well underway. Set to bring together 200-250 people under the theme: Redesigning the Digitalized African College and University, UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 presents a great opportunity for companies to engage with the research and education community of Eastern and Southern Africa. This can be achieved by sponsoring the event. This conference …

Showcase your Company and Services at UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 Read More »

Prof. Madara Ogot Discusses NRENs and What They Should Expect From UbuntuNet Alliance in an Interview With GÉANT.

In an interview held by Silvia Fiore of GÉANT, the UbuntuNet Alliance CEO was able to give an insight into the plans and initiatives that the organization intends to carry out in the future. Here are some of the questions that Prof. Madara Ogot was asked along with his responses. Prof. Ogot, you have an …

Prof. Madara Ogot Discusses NRENs and What They Should Expect From UbuntuNet Alliance in an Interview With GÉANT. Read More »

Mapping the Maturity of NRENs of Eastern and Southern Africa

In recent months, UbuntuNet Alliance in collaboration with RENATER, IRD and CIRAD with financial support from AFD have been collecting data about the development status of NRENs in Eastern and southern Africa. The results of the survey were presented at a hybrid workshop held at the side lines of RENATER’s annual conference, JRES 2022 held …

Mapping the Maturity of NRENs of Eastern and Southern Africa Read More »

Access UbuntuNet Alliance’ Annual Reports for 2020 and 2021

The UbuntuNet Alliance annual reports for the year 2020 and 2021 are now available via our online repository. In what was a challenging year for the world due to COVID-19, 2020 was difficult for the whole of the research and education community in Eastern and Southern Africa. The 2020 annual report provides an insight on …

Access UbuntuNet Alliance’ Annual Reports for 2020 and 2021 Read More »

Capacity Building Workshop on Developing NRENs Funding Proposal to Attract International Funding Support

Over the years there has been need for the National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) to widen their financial base to ensure continuity and growth of their operations in the wake of various challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the strategic areas of focus is the relationship with the Funding Partners. To foster …

Capacity Building Workshop on Developing NRENs Funding Proposal to Attract International Funding Support Read More »

Collaborations with the Ministry of Education in Rwanda to Re-establish the Rwanda Education Network (RwEdNet)

UbuntuNet Alliance would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the concerted effort by the Ministry of Education, Rwanda, towards re-establishing the Rwanda Education Network (RwEdNet). This is to enable the Rwandan National Research and Education network to participate actively in the Eastern and Southern African Regional Research and Education Network (RREN) which consists of …

Collaborations with the Ministry of Education in Rwanda to Re-establish the Rwanda Education Network (RwEdNet) Read More »

Re-Establishing Formal Ties with the Association of African Universities

The Association of African Universities (AAU), based in Accra Ghana, and UbuntuNet Alliance have had formal collaborations since UbuntuNet’s founding in 2006.  Overtime, however, the ties have waned and the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two organisations has expired.  That is all set to change.  On May 4, 2022, the Alliance CEO Prof Madara …

Re-Establishing Formal Ties with the Association of African Universities Read More »

Raising Awareness for AfricaConnect3 project at the 15th Annual eLearning Africa Conference

Technology continues to play an increasing role in Research and Education as the world makes strides in E-learning. The eLearning Africa conference brings together organizations, leaders and enthusiasts from across the world who are actively shaping the future of research and education through technology. This provides a great platform for networking and raising awareness. UbuntuNet …

Raising Awareness for AfricaConnect3 project at the 15th Annual eLearning Africa Conference Read More »

Call for Proposals to Carry Out Systems Audit for The UbuntuNet Alliance

Introduction UbuntuNet Alliance is the regional research and education networking organisation for Eastern and Southern Africa. It is a non-profit association of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Eastern and Southern Africa, a region covering 26 countries. The Alliance plans, builds and operates UbuntuNet, the regional Internet backbone network that interconnects NRENs in the …

Call for Proposals to Carry Out Systems Audit for The UbuntuNet Alliance Read More »

UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Registration Open