UbuntuNet Alliance Now Offers Digital Object Identifier Services

Research data and output has been made globally accessible through the Internet, advancing Open Science and aiding in the removal of barriers to research output, resources, methods and tools, thereby facilitation of effective approaches to research. 

Research documents can be distinctly identified online using Digital Object Identifier (DOI).  A DOI is a string of characters used to uniquely identify an article or document on the Internet, and to provide it with a permanent web address (URL). A DOI, therefore, helps researchers easily locate documents from citations. 

Universities, for example, could use the services to provide unique DOIs to each of the articles, reports, theses and dissertations in their e-repositories, making the documents easy to locate online by researchers around the world.

Under the AfricaConnect3 project, UbuntuNet Alliance aims to promote research and education beyond providing internet connectivity. The DOI service will ride on the internet connectivity infrastructure provided to NRENs in our region. Therefore, NRENs and their member institution now have a chance to secure affordable DOIs from UbuntuNet Alliance after the Alliance entered into an agreement with DataCite[MO1] , the global provider of DOIs. The Alliance now offers DOI services to its member NRENs and their institutions. 

To learn or subscribe to these and other services, please contact our Services Portfolio Manager, Alex Mwotil at alex.mwotil@ubuntunet.net

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