
Webinar Series 2022-5: Going Beyond Connectivity (UbuntuNet Alliance Services)

Guided by Regional Research and Education Networks (RRENs), National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) have primarily offered connectivity as the main service to universities (students and staff) and researchers. However, recent times have necessitated the introduction of value-added services on top of Connectivity. This webinar was held as a consultative event with members of the …

Webinar Series 2022-5: Going Beyond Connectivity (UbuntuNet Alliance Services) Read More »

RENU Makes Connectivity Accessible to all Through Metro eduroam. Interview with Hellen Nakawungu.

The Research and Education Network of Uganda (RENU) began the rollout of eduroam in 2020. Since then, RENU has successfully deployed over 500 eduroam hotspots in across the country to the benefit of students and staff via connecting 61 Educational institutions from 42 service locations. Such exceptional progress cannot go unnoticed. We caught up with the Systems and Software …

RENU Makes Connectivity Accessible to all Through Metro eduroam. Interview with Hellen Nakawungu. Read More »

Strengthening the Community Through NREN Twinning

Development inequalities among the National Regional and Education Networks (NRENs) has posed a big challenge in creating an enabling environment where both vertical and horizontal collaborations can be fostered.  To address this, the Alliance is embarking on creation of a community of NRENs that can actively interact more through capacity building and advocacy. Unfortunately, not …

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UbuntuNet Alliance moves to address eduroam gap in Southern and Eastern Africa

Lack of awareness, limited capacity of technical personnel and absence of robust campus WIFI networks have been cited as some of the challenges limiting the roll out of eduroam in many universities and research centers in the UbuntuNet Alliance membership region. This has been revealed in a recent eduroam baseline survey which UbuntuNet Alliance undertook …

UbuntuNet Alliance moves to address eduroam gap in Southern and Eastern Africa Read More »

RENU Deploys 300 eduroam hotspots for off-campus Internet access

Students, researchers and staff of learning institutions connected to the Research and Education Network  for Uganda (RENU) will now be able to access their institution Internet beyond their campuses after the NREN introduced the metro deployment of eduroam to enable users connect to the wireless network while working away from their institutions.   RENU unveiled …

RENU Deploys 300 eduroam hotspots for off-campus Internet access Read More »

TENET Deploys eduroam in 57 public libraries in Cape Town, South Africa

During June the City of Cape Town and the Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa (TENET) turned on the eduroam WiFi service in 57 of Cape Town’s public libraries. eduroam is a wireless roaming service that provides free Internet access to the research and education community globally. This initiative means students and staff …

TENET Deploys eduroam in 57 public libraries in Cape Town, South Africa Read More »

EthERNet set to introduce a new cloud service for member institutions

The Ethiopian Education and Research Network (EthERNet), is set to become the country’s first government institution to provide a new cloud service to its members as it plan to launch an education cloud service that will be available for public universities in the country in the next two months. The NREN, a member of UbuntuNet …

EthERNet set to introduce a new cloud service for member institutions Read More »

SAFIRE becomes first African eduGAIN member

The South African Identity Federation (SAFIRE) has become the first African Federation to be admitted as a fully participating member of eduGAIN, the international interfederation service interconnecting research and education identity federations managed by GEANT, the European Research and Education Network. eduGAIN enables the secure exchange of information related to Identity, authentication and authorization between …

SAFIRE becomes first African eduGAIN member Read More »

UbuntuNet Alliance to unveil added services in 2017

UbuntuNet Alliance will in 2017 unveil a new portfolio of services the Alliance intends to extend to its NREN Members as part of its drive to turn the NRENs from mostly mere Internet connectivity providers into diverse e- learning and e-Infrastructure service and host centers. The Alliances’ Service Portfolio Manager Chris Rohrer presented the proposed …

UbuntuNet Alliance to unveil added services in 2017 Read More »

UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Registration Open