Harold Bowa

A Strong Lineup of Keynote Speakers for UbuntuNet-Connect 2022

The UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 conference is right around the corner as we draw closer to 24th November 2022. UbuntuNet Alliance is excited to announce four prominent members of the global research and education community who will be delivering keynotes at the event. Dr Kostas Glinos is an independent expert in Science, Technology and Innovation policy. He …

A Strong Lineup of Keynote Speakers for UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 Read More »

eduID.africa Joins eduGAIN

Students, researchers, scientists and educators across Africa’s research and education landscape can now have secure and trusted access to global online resources as the eduID.africa Catch-All Federation joins the eduGAIN interfederation.  eduID.africa is the identity and access management framework implemented in the AfricaConnect3 project by the three regional research networks to fast-track the rollout of …

eduID.africa Joins eduGAIN Read More »

The Journey of The First Kenyan Identity Federation, RAFIKI

 Background Identity and Access Management (IAM) remains a significant challenge within the R&E (Research and Education) community in Africa. This greatly hinders collaboration within the region. To help solve this problem, the idea of having a Kenyan identity federation was born in 2016. The aim was to provide easy access and facilitate SSO (Single Sign-On) …

The Journey of The First Kenyan Identity Federation, RAFIKI Read More »

TENET’s Project to Connect TVET Colleges in South Africa Gets a Boost as Phase One Nears Completion.

The UbuntuNet Alliance South African member NREN, Tertiary Education & Research Network of South Africa (TENET), is now close to completing the first phase in TVET Colleges Connection Programme (TCCP). The first phase of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges Connection Programme (TCCP) is the access portion of the project and this …

TENET’s Project to Connect TVET Colleges in South Africa Gets a Boost as Phase One Nears Completion. Read More »

RENU Conducts Direct Engineering Assistance (DEA) at University of St. Joseph (USJ), Mbarara.

As part of their annual capacity building programme the Research and Education Network of Uganda (RENU) are carrying out direct engineering assistance at the University of St. Joseph (USJ), Mbarara. This is the second DEA being carried out this year with the first one being carried out at Equatorial University of Science and Technology (EQUSaT). …

RENU Conducts Direct Engineering Assistance (DEA) at University of St. Joseph (USJ), Mbarara. Read More »

ASREN Gears up for e-AGE22 Conference

e-AGE22 is the 12th edition of the annual conference held by the regional research and education network of Northern Africa, ASREN. This year it will be hosted by ASRT, the Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research and Technology in Cairo, Egypt from 13-15 December 2022. e-AGE22 is coming with “Science Cooperation – Taking NRENs Further” as the …

ASREN Gears up for e-AGE22 Conference Read More »

Meet The UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 Silver Sponsors: WIOCC

Following a history of working with UbuntuNet Alliance as a service provider of internet connectivity infrastructure, We are greatly pleased to announce WIOCC as one of the Silver Sponsors for the upcoming UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 conference. The West Indian Ocean Cable Company (WIOCC) is the leading player in the deployment of carrier-scale, future-proofed network infrastructure into …

Meet The UbuntuNet-Connect 2022 Silver Sponsors: WIOCC Read More »

Eastern and Southern African NRENs Represented in the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly 77

Prof. Madara Ogot, the CEO of UbuntuNet Alliance for Research and Education Networking was part of a panel discussion at the Science Summit at UNGA77. The Panel set out to discuss the Digital infrastructure to enable Science and Cooperation in Africa. Throughout the panel discussion Prof. Ogot was able to shine a light on the …

Eastern and Southern African NRENs Represented in the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly 77 Read More »

RENU Launch eduroam on the GO

On the 8th day of September 2022, the Research and Education Network of Uganda (RENU) celebrated two years of Metro eduroam. The occasion was marked by the launch of an innovation that may revolutionize eduroam worldwide, eduroam on the GO!  This is a pocket-sized routing device developed to allow researchers, students and university staff to …

RENU Launch eduroam on the GO Read More »

KENET Takes Research Engagement to New Heights by Awarding 11 Small Research Grants

NRENs in the UbuntuNet Alliance region continue to play a massive role in the cause for Research and Education throughout the Eastern and Southern African region. KENET remains one of the most vibrant NRENs within the community and this has recently been demonstrated by the awarding of 11 small research grants to STEM early career research grantees …

KENET Takes Research Engagement to New Heights by Awarding 11 Small Research Grants Read More »

UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Registration Open