“In the field” Blog gathering momentum

One of the notable breakthroughs of the global research and education networking public relations (Global PR) community for the year 2015 is the going live of the “In the Field ” Blog, a platform where regional and national research and education networks are showcasing successful case studies of scientific collaborations taking place in their communities with the aid of high capacity research and education networks.

The platform, which is an initiative of the Australian Research and Education Network, AARNet, was successfully launched in October 2015 and since the launch, more than 40 stories involving at least 37 research and education networks have so far been posted.

AARNet Media and Communications Manager Jane Gilford, says the blog will build a resource of case examples for all R&E networks to utilise for proposals and presentations.

She added that the collection of stories on the forum will also help paint a rich picture of the impact of R&E networking on a global scale as well as create greater awareness about the human side of networking.

Gilford has therefore encouraged research and education networks from the global networking world to submit stories, pictures and videos of research and education collaboration for publication on the blog.

The “In the Field” Blog follows the Case For NRENs Portal , a platform containing resources which NRENs and RRENs can use in order to persuade their funders, users and all stakeholders on the value of establishing, maintaining and promoting dedicated high capacity research and education networks for NRENs and RRENs.

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