UbuntuNet Alliance, Internet Society to train NREN engineers online

UbuntuNet Alliance has, in partnership with the Internet Society (ISOC), organized a three-week Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) online training workshop for network engineers from the UbuntuNet Alliance membership region.

The workshop, to be facilitated experts from ISOC, will be held through daily one-hour sessions starting from 13th – 31st July 2020.

The Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is an initiative to improve the security and resilience of the Internet’s global routing system by encouraging networks to implement well-established industry best practices and technological solutions that can address common threats.

Over 19 engineers from the UbuntuNet Alliance membership region are expected to attend the training which will culminate into trainees installing MANRS actions in an online lab.

UbuntuNet Alliance CEO, Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka has commended ISOC for the collaboration saying the training is relevant especially during this period when COVID-19 has restricted possibilities of face to-face hands-on workshops.

The MANRS workshop is one of the series of interventions UbuntuNet Alliance, an implementing partner of AfricaConnect3, is employing to support NRENs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UbuntuNet Alliance has in the recent past been holding webinars targeting NREN engineers and university lecturers with the aim of helping NRENs and universities react to the effects of COVI9-19 on research and education collaboration.

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