Research Reference Library Added to Utafiti Africa

The Research Reference Library at Utafiti Africa is now online and contains reference books targeting both researchers and research managers. All books are Open Access and are made available by some of the top global publishers. For researchers, the library has books on broadly applicable research methodologies, programming approaches, research ethics, and research statistical methods. There shall also be texts and toolkits on research communication (for example, development of policy briefs, journal article preparation, theses/dissertation preparation) and fund-raising including grant proposal writing. We shall also compile and make available Open Access books and toolkits in support of research and innovation managers.

Whereas all these included texts can be found on the Internet, we have compiled, categorised and placed them in one place making it easy to find the support you need. The reference library can be accessed at If you are aware of relevant Open Access books or toolkits that should be added to the library, please use the email below to send us the title or the publishers’ link for prompt inclusion.

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October 31-November 1, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania​