Optimising Moodle for Remote Teaching and Learning Webinar

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, where at least 1.3 billion students and learners across the planet are affected by closure of schools and universities, academic institutions are frantically exploring different platforms for online teaching and learning. To assist institutions choose and adopt standard and efficient platforms and tools, UbuntuNet Alliance is running a series of webinars for university and NREN engineers on optimization of various recommended remote teaching and learning systems.

On Wednesday, 6th May 2020 (09:00UTC) UbuntuNet Alliance will, in collaboration with the Zambia Research and Education Network (ZAMREN) hold a webinar on “Optimising Moodle for Remote Teaching and Learning.”

Moodle has become a standard virtual learning management platform for nearly two-thirds of the universities around the world. It is a free and open-source software that can be easily customised to suit each university’s needs. The platform allows lecturers to create quality online classrooms using a mix of activities including forums, quizzes and live sessions. For students, Moodle, provides a personalized environment where they find everything they need for their learning.

The session targets systems engineers from NRENs and universities who would like to learn and/or share experience on how to install and optimize Moodle for blended learning, e-learning and distance learning.

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