Call for Proposals to Carry Out Systems Audit for The UbuntuNet Alliance


UbuntuNet Alliance is the regional research and education networking organisation for Eastern and Southern Africa. It is a non-profit association of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Eastern and Southern Africa, a region covering 26 countries. The Alliance plans, builds and operates UbuntuNet, the regional Internet backbone network that interconnects NRENs in the region and connect them to other research and education networks globally and to the Internet in general for purposes of supporting collaboration in research, teaching and learning.

The Alliance wishes to engage the services of a firm to carry out a systems audit of the Alliance. We are therefore, calling out for proposals to carry the systems review in the areas of governance, operations and internal control systems.

Scope of Work

The scope of work of the systems audit covers the design and operating effectiveness of the Internal Control System and other processes. These include;

  1. Understanding the design of the entity’s internal Control System;
  2. Testing of identified controls;
  3. Assessment of the main risks to the achievement of the objective of various UbuntuNet Alliance projects;
  4. The risks to any project funding provided not being used in conformity with the applicable Contractual Conditions;
  5. The risks of weakness and deficiencies in the design or operating effectiveness of internal controls;
  6. The risk of error with regard to various projects funded for the UbuntuNet Alliance;
  7. The risk of irregularities with regard to various projects funded for UbuntuNet Alliance;
  8. The risk of fraud with regard to various projects funded for UbuntuNet Alliance;
  9. Assessment of whether the design of the internal control system sufficiently mitigates the above risks and whether it is operating effectively;
  10. Reporting the results of the audit in accordance with IFAC International Framework for Assurance Engagement and ISAE 3000 and, if applicable, providing recommendations to improve or modify processes.

Proposals should contain, but not limited to the following:

  1. Eligibility – accreditation to conduct audits;
  2. Experience of your firm in relation to the scope of audits of a not-for-profit organization;
  3. Staff assignments and availability to complete the audit on a timely basis;
  4. Audit plan;
  5. The proposal fee (all-inclusive) to conduct the audit function;
  6. Estimated timeframe to complete the audit (maximum two months).

Proposals should be submitted online at

Deadline for Submission of proposals: 27th May 2022 at 23:59 CAT

UbuntuNet Alliance is an equal opportunities organization and all interested firms/professional auditors are encouraged to apply.

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