Access UbuntuNet Alliance’ Annual Reports for 2020 and 2021

The UbuntuNet Alliance annual reports for the year 2020 and 2021 are now available via our online repository.

In what was a challenging year for the world due to COVID-19, 2020 was difficult for the whole of the research and education community in Eastern and Southern Africa. The 2020 annual report provides an insight on the steps put in place to help the community cope. Highlighted in the report are the adjustments made to the strategy, sighting the importance of revenue assurance, cost optimization, people and the role that NRENs and UbuntuNet Alliance played to ensure that education continues throughout the pandemic.

“We at the UbuntuNet Alliance Secretariat spent the year trying to convert the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic on Research and Education into opportunities for our NREN Members and we are proud to notify you that we managed to chalk considerable success albeit with some challenges”. These were the remarks made in the 2020 annual reports by then CEO, Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka.

2020 Annual report:

2021 saw the implementation of the contingency plans set in motion due to COVID-19’s impact in 2020. The 2021 annual report takes a look into the success stories that resulted as various players in the NREN community of eastern and southern Africa adjusted well to the pandemic and ensured the continuation of research and education within the community. The report also analyses the progress that has been made in implementing the contingency plans that were set to enable the community to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic and how further success can be achieved.

“By the end of 2021, the Alliance’s twelve connected NREN members together served over 1 million users in about 1,000 institutions spread across Eastern and Southern Africa. We hope to significantly grow these numbers with the connection of new members and with
existing members connecting new institutions in 2022″ ~Prof. Madara Ogot, current CEO of UbuntuNet Alliance~

2021 Annual report:

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