The Director of Science, Technology and Innovation in Malawi Makes Remarks at the NREN CEO Leadership Indaba

“Malawi (government) has supported the presence of the (UbuntuNet) Alliance within here (Malawi) and has made an effort to make sure that it (UbuntuNet Alliance) is still here (in Malawi) and I think we are benefiting immensely, even through the operationalization and establishment of MAREN which had been a dream and an effort since 2006”

These were the opening remarks made by Prof Chomora Mikeka, the Director of Science, Technology and Innovation in Malawi when he graced the NREN CEO Leadership indaba held at BICC in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi. This meeting was held on 21st April 2022 alongside the UbuntuNet Alliance Annual General Meeting. The meeting is held to provide a platform for open discussions between UbuntuNet Alliance and its member NRENs. Prof. Chomora Mikeka stood representing the Malawi government.

In his remarks, Pro. Mikeka sighted the AfricaConnect projects and the positive impact that they have had on university education in Malawi. He further aligned the Alliance’s initiatives with domesticated continental agendas including the African Agenda 2063, the 2022 Agenda for Science Technology and Information in Africa; and the SDGs. He emphasized the vibrant role that UbuntuNet Alliance plays regarding research, science and technology which is a critical part of all these agendas and others that are similar.

In conclusion, Prof. Mikoka stressed the importance that internet connectivity has in the plans of governments within Africa. As an example of this, he sighted the decision made at the Ministers and Education Training Meeting, held in June of 2021, to make sure that there is increased research facilitated and collaborated through a cyber-infrastructure initiative as being dependent on the quality of internet connectivity within the region. He held that meetings such as the NREN CEOs Leadership Indaba are important in the pursuit to achieve such goals. He finally expressed his joy towards UbuntuNet Alliance for organizing such a meeting in Malawi.

UbuntuNet Alliance, on behalf with its board members, NREN CEOs and representatives who were present, extends its gratitude towards Prof. Chomora Mikeka and the Malawian Government for their presence and remarks at the meeting.

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