
NUANCE – May 2010

NUANCE starts its 3rd year of publication and the UbuntuNet Alliance its 5th year of existence! The year from May 2009 till April 2010 has been one of steady progress for UbuntuNet Alliance. The appointment of Tusu on a 2 year CEO contract, the reappointment of Professor Zimani Kadzamira as the chairperson of UbuntuNet Alliance …

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NUANCE – April 2010

SEACOM Cable Cut Highlights Need for Alternate Cable Routes The honeymoon that has been enjoyed by NRENs (and other sectors) due to the reduced internet access prices ushered in by SEACOM came to a rude end when the SEACOM cable experienced a major outage along the Mediterranean section of their connectivity during the third and …

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NUANCE – February 2010

Twenty years since the short walk to freedom Members of UbuntuNet Alliance join our brothers and sisters worldwide in paying tribute to Nelson Mandela for his role in providing the opportunities that are being enjoyed in our continent through the peaceful transition in South Africa. Twenty years on, we see huge progress to the region …

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NUANCE – January 2010

UbuntuNet Alliance welcomes the 12th Member NREN 2010 started on a high note at UbuntuNet Alliance as the appropriately named EthERNet, the Ethiopian Research and Education Network, was accepted as the 12th REN Participant (Member). This has come just two months after the UbuntuNet community celebrated and welcomed SomaliREN as the 11th member. The updated …

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NUANCE – November 2009

Minister Awori opens UbuntuNet-Connect 2009  The Uganda Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Honourable Aggrey Awori opened the 2 day UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 on 12th November in Kampala, Uganda. The event, the biggest yet to be organised by the Alliance was hosted by RENU and brought together over 100 participants from more than 25 countries across …

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NUANCE – July 2009

SEACOM Cable goes live At long last, the SEACOM cable from London and Marseilles to South Africa was finally switched on towards the end of July 2009, ultimately connecting the coastal countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa. The cable has brought hope and excitement in the region as users expect bandwidth prices to …

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NUANCE – June 2009

Twenty Sites Participate in the TNC2009 Right from their Desktops Over 20 remote sites from all over the world participated in the 2009 TERENA Networking Conference which took place in Malaga in Spain from 8 to 10 June 2009. Remote participation was open during the session: Implications & Benefits of Connectivity Beyond Europe on 9th …

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UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Early Bird-Registration Open