
NUANCE – February 2009

AU Secretary General Visits UbuntuNet Secretariat The relationship between UbuntuNet Alliance and the Association of African Universities continues to rise as the two organizations work together: the AAU gives continental level policy leadership to research and education networking in Africa, and is also responsible for the process through which the Chairperson of the Alliance is …

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NUANCE – January 2009

“Opening New Frontiers” the theme for UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 The theme “Opening New Frontiers” has been motivated by the opportunities and challenges that are the inevitable consequence of the first submarine cable, SEACOM, landing on the Indian Ocean Coast of Africa during 2009.  It will open up new frontiers for research and education networking in the …

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NUANCE – December 2008

Carnegie Corporation of New York Grants USD999,520 to UbuntuNet Alliance UbuntuNet Alliance is pleased to acknowledge with thanks a grant of USD999,520 over three years starting January 2009 to support activities under the ambitious programme of Consolidating Research and Education Networking in Africa.  The Grant, approved subject to other development partners who participated in the …

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NUANCE – October 2008

Breaking News…Science and Technology Parks for sub-Saharan Africa IEEAF and GEO have just signed an MoU with USAID in which they agree ” … to form an alliance to facilitate investment in world-class regional telecommunications exchanges, data facilities, and science and technology parks in sub-Saharan Africa.” African REN developments reported at Internet2 meeting Three African …

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NUANCE – September 2008

UbuntuNet Alliance and AAU sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) With an aim of cementing the working relationship in research and education networking in Africa, UbuntuNet Alliance and the Association of African Universities (AAU) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The two parties agree to work together to promote research and education networking in Africa, based …

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NUANCE – August 2008

Dr Nii Quaynor – “Africa’s Internet Evangelist” The photo shows some great minds in deep consideration at the AAU AFREN Forum Meeting in Rabat, May 2008. In the middle is Dr Nii Quaynor. With a banner headline “Africa’s Internet Evangelist”, the prestigious British science journal, the New Scientist of 9th August 2008 (vol 199 no …

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NUANCE – July 2008

African countries committing academic suicide through poor sector policy and regulation  By F.F. Tusubira Universities belonging to 9 of the 10 member NRENs of UbuntuNet Alliance currently spend about USD1.25 million per month for only 770 Mbps shared among 163 institutions.  In Europe, North America or the Far East, this level of expenditure can purchase …

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NUANCE – June 2008

UbuntuNet – Connect  2008 Scheduled for Lilongwe 11th November 2008 In addition to the Open Access Conference starting on 12th November 2008, the Warm Heart of Africa, Malawi, will also host the UbuntuNet Alliance annual conference, UbuntuNet- Connect, on 11th November 2008.  The theme for this year’s conference is “Driving effective research and education networking …

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NUANCE – May 2008

Four new NRENs welcomed at UbuntuNet Alliance 2nd Council of Members Meeting UbuntuNet Alliance held its 2nd Council of Members Meeting in Lusaka, Zambia on 18th April 2008. The meeting was called in accordance with the Alliance’s statutes that call for an annual meeting of members. The 2nd Council of Members meeting witnessed four NRENs …

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