
NUANCE – August 2011

Africa NRENs gearing up to provide connectivity support to all on-commercial education institutions Tusu, CEO, UbuntuNet Alliance The African Education Summit in Casablanca, Morocco, was an opportunity for showcasing the Alliance and discussing the growth of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) as well as Regional Research and Education Networks in Africa.  The major difference …

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NUANCE – July 2011

RENU Internal backbone Phase 1 Installed and Undergoing Tests Joseph Kimaili, Chief Network Development Officer, RENU This June, with the assistance of the Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation (IEEAF) , the Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU) commissioned phase one of its network backbone – covering Kampala metropolitan area and Entebbe. When last …

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NUANCE – June 2011

UbuntuNet-Connect 2011: Extension of deadline for submission of Abstracts The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the extension of the deadline for receiving abstracts for UbuntuNet-Connect 2011, which will be held at Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 23-25th November 2011, hosted by KENET, the NREN of Kenya. The new deadline is 31st July …

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NUANCE – April 2011

NUANCE speaks French enfin! UbuntuNet’s first six members were countries where English, French, Portuguese and Arabic were the main international languages. Given the multi-lingual nature of our Alliance community, we have long wanted to make available Alliance resources in the languages most familiar to our community. Finally, the April 2011 issue of Nuance ushers in …

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NUANCE – March 2011

EthERNet to host 5th Council of Member Cluster in Addis Ababa in April Once again, the Alliance community will assemble for its top level meeting, the Council of Members, this time to be held at Hotel Jupiter, Addis Ababa, hosted by our Ethiopian NREN, EthERNet.  Activities include : 12th April 2011:  EthERNet Workshop; 14th April:  …

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NUANCE – January 2011

IDRC President visits UbuntuNet Secretariat, Lilongwe Since the inception of UbuntuNet Alliance, IDRC has been one of its most consistent development partners.  Even more, the mapping and pursuit of academic and research connectivity by IDRC predates the formation of UbuntuNet Alliance by several years!  Therefore it was a great honour and delight for staff to …

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NUANCE – September 2010

About this Issue Tusu, CEO, UbuntuNet Alliance In preparation for UbuntuNet-Connect 2010, we thought it would be useful to share some updates on progress among the different NRENs to prime our readers for this important annual event.  The briefs come straight from the desks of the CEOs of the member NRENs.  Any way one looks …

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NUANCE – August 2010

SARUA Dialogue Event: Finance and Information Communication Technology in Higher Education On 5-6 August 2010 the Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA), in collaboration with the University of Dar-es-Salaam, held a two-day Leadership Dialogue event focusing on Finance and Information Communication Technology in Higher Education. Among the impressive gathering of 64 participants from 14 countries …

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NUANCE – June 2010

A coming together of many minds: East African Higher Education and ICT Symposium in Kampala The two-day East African ICT & Higher Education Symposium 2010 was held in Kampala, Uganda from 27 – 28 June 2010.   The Internet Society, Verizon and the Uganda Communications Commission were catalysts of the gathering. This multi-stakeholder Symposium brought together …

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UbuntuNet-Connect2024 Registration Open