KENET Takes Research Engagement to New Heights by Awarding 11 Small Research Grants

NRENs in the UbuntuNet Alliance region continue to play a massive role in the cause for Research and Education throughout the Eastern and Southern African region. KENET remains one of the most vibrant NRENs within the community and this has recently been demonstrated by the awarding of 11 small research grants to STEM early career research grantees teams!

KENET is the Kenyan Education Network. Led by their Executive Director, Prof. Meoli Kashorda, the NREN awarded small research grants through Special Interest Groups (SIG) in Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIS), and Computer Modelling and Material Sciences (CMMS).:

A total of 11 small research grants were awarded. Three of which were awarded under the 2022 SIG Engineering Small Grants project, 4 were awarded through 2022 SIG in Computer Science and Information Systems small grants projects and 4 were awarded under the SIG in Computer Modelling and Material Science research projects. Among other fields, these grants shall facilitate research in healthcare, remote sensing, machine learning and energy supply.

One of the key KENET services that shall be available for use by the grantee teams are software appliances on the KENET virtual lab ( which have been preconfigured with the relevant tools and the research teams will only need to select the virtual appliance that meets their application requirements, compute and storage needs. Some of the research computing tools available as pre-installed appliances include Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio, GNU Octave, Schrodinger, and Quantum Espresso, among others.

The full details of this story regarding the research topics and the researchers that are benefiting from this initiative by KENET can be found on the KENET website via

The pictures in this story were sourced from KENET website.

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