UbuntuNet-Connect 2019 programme announced

UbuntuNet Alliance is delighted to announce that the draft programme for its 12th annual networking conference, UbuntuNet-Connect 2019, scheduled for 31st October – 1st November 2019 in Antananarivo, Madagascar is now published.

The programme, published here, contains an exciting line up of activities which will start with a Zumba session for participants on the morning of the first day of the conference, Thursday, 31st October 2019.

An opening plenary marked by speeches from various dignitaries and an opening keynote address will then be followed by two sessions of paper presentations. The opening plenary also features an exciting launch of the UbuntuNet network as upgraded and extended by the AfricaConnect2 project which kicked off in November 2015.

The two paper presentation sessions shall then be followed by a roundtable discussion around the conference theme: NRENs: Facilitating Research and Education Collaboration in the Digital Space. The round table will wrap up official business for day one.

Two more paper presentation sessions will continue on day two; Friday 1st November 2019. Together, the four paper presentation sessions during the two days will see a total of twenty-five papers being presented by authors from 19 different countries from across the global research and education community.

Wrapping up the conference on Friday soon after the lunch break shall be a closing plenary which will feature a high profile closing keynote address and announcement of winners of the newly introduced UbuntuNet Alliance Community Awards.

It wont however be all speeches and presentations at the conference. Social events are featuring prominently on the programme with a conference dinner slated for Thursday evening at the Ibis Hotel and a networking cocktail to be held Friday at the rooftop of the magnificent LE Fred Hotel.

Lets keep the tweets going with the hashtag #UbuntuNetConnect19.

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