If you are one of the delegates packing your bags for UbuntuNet-Connect 2019 in Antananarivo, Madagascar, then you can benefit from affordable accommodation at hotels where UbuntuNet Alliance has negotiated special rates for conference participants.

Carlton Hotel, the conference venue is a nice destination for participants that want to just walk from their rooms to the conference hall in same facility. At this 5 star hotel, the Alliance has negotiated a special rate of €108 for standard rooms and €128 for premium rooms per person per night (includes breakfast).
To book accommodation at this hotel, please visit the hotel website and enter the corporate/promotion code UBUNTUNET2019 or send an email to reservation.carlton@gmail.com and mention UbuntuNet Alliance
If not Carlton, you might like to be accommodated at the elegan Hotel Colbert, located within a 5 minute walk from Carlton. At Colbert, a standard business room will cost €60, a standard premium room goes at €75 and the hotel will charge €105 for executive rooms. All rates include breakfast. Booking can be completed by sending an email mentioning UbuntuNet Alliance to reservation.colbert@moov.mg.

Le Louvre Hotel might also offer an excellent option. This hotel is 13 minute walk and 5 minute drive from Hotel Carlton. Standard rooms are at €81 and superior rooms at €102. Reservation email is commercial@hotel-du-louvre.com.

Choose your accommodation place from these options and of course from several others online and enjoy Antananarivo from there.
Meanwhile registration for the conference is still open and closes on 25th October 2019. Registration fee for international participants is US$200 and US$100 for local participants.