UbuntuNet Alliance Congratulates Cathrin Stover

UbuntuNet Alliance is excited to join the global research and education community in congratulating its long time ally, GÉANT’s Chief Collaborations Officer, Cathrin Stover on her recent appointment as Vice Chair of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board.

Ms Stover was appointed to the new role in November 2018 at the launch of the EOSC) hosted by the Austrian Presidency of the European Union at the University of Vienna.

In a statement, Ms Stover said: “I am very honoured to be working with the EOSC Executive Board over the next two years towards the implementation of the EOSC. It is great to see that several European National Research and Education Networks [NRENs] are also represented in the EOSC Governance Board. Setting up the EOSC will require enthusiasm, collaboration and pragmatism and I look forward to working closely with the projects and stakeholders to achieve this goal.”

Ms Stover is a well known figure in UbuntuNet Alliance community as she has been working with the regional REN since the AfricaConnect1 project, which led to the establishment of the UbuntuNet Network.

Read full story on the GEANT blog.

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UbuntuNet-Connect2024 -
October 31-November 1, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania​