Sci-GaIA assessing implementation and uptake of science gateways and e-Infrastructure

One the three Horizon 2020 projects, Sci-GaIA, has launched an online survey aimed at assessing the implementation and uptake of science gateways and e-infrastructure in Africa.

The online survey, whose results will be updated every six months, also aims at identifying current and planned e-infrastructure Applications such as HPC, Grid, Cloud Computing, Data Repositories, and web portals in Africa.

The monitoring exercise comes as part of the project’s goal to promote the implementation of Science Gateways and e-Infrastructure on the continent and beyond.

Current and potential users of e-infrastructure services are therefore being encouraged to take the online survey which is expected to identify the potential needs of prospective e-infrastructure users and new communities.

Interested current and potential e-infrastructure users can participate in the survey by completing forms that are available on the Sci-GaIA website. The survey forms are available in English and French.

The Sci-GaIA Science Gateways and e-Infrastructure implementation and uptake survey is a continuation of similar surveys by ERINA4Africa and el4Africa that identified key e-infrastructure applications being developed in Africa.

Take the survey here.

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