ASREN gears up for e-Age 2016

There definitely won’t be a better way for the global research and education community to wrap the year 2016 than to be part of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN)’s annual conference, Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE, which will be held on 1-2 December 2016 in Beirut, Lebanon.

ASREN, WACREN and UbuntuNet Alliance are implementing partners of the European Commission co-funded €26.6m AfricaConnect2 project which has been divided in three clusters with ASREN working with GÉANT in implementing connections of Cluster 3.

And speaking to NUANCE ahead of e-AGE 2016, ASREN Co-Managing Director, Yousef Torman said among other things, the conference will present a platform for creating awareness, promoting R&E collaboration and joint activities and establishing human networks in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation among researchers and academicians in the Arab region and the rest of the world.

“In e-AGE 2016, in addition to our main focus on connectivity, we will pay more attention to users, applications, services and inclusion of stakeholders in research and education and related services to enable and to facilitate collaboration to encourage resources and knowledge sharing. We will facilitate discussion and more sessions, panels, meetings and workshops to present and exchange research and education experience and innovations.

Access to resources, services and applications will be another area of focus during the conference. In short words, e-AGE 2016 is coming with “Ubiquity and Cohesiveness of e-Infrastructures” as the main theme of the conference and all activities will be centered on it,” reads a statement posted on the ASRENs website.

The statement further says special sessions will be dedicated to specific domains, mainly focusing on experiences in connectivity and e-Infrastructure, applications and services across a variety of scientific domains and also important to show how research infrastructure creates tangible benefits to communities and collaborations.

More information about the e-Age conference is available online.

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