About Us
We are a membership organisation of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Eastern and Southern Africa. We collectively seek to facilitate access by the region’s knowledge communities to their and global research and educational resources, and enable and proactively supporting research collaboration for the digital transformation of the higher education and research sectors.
This direction is in direct support of Africa Agenda 2063, specifically Aspiration 1, “A prosperous Africa, based on inclusive growth and sustainable development” and Aspiration 6 “An Africa whose development is people driven, relying on the potential offered by African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children”
Research and innovation, catalysed through enhanced regional collaboration, has a strong potential to spur inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development.
UA and member NRENs actions in supporting their knowledge communities contribute to national and continental realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), primarily: SDG 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; SDG 5 – Gender equality, and SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth.
“A vibrant, connected and sustainable community of National Research and Education Networks”
“To develop and grow a thriving sustainable community of NRENs and partners within Eastern and Southern Africa, enabling and strengthening collaboration and innovation among research and education communities.”
Core Values
Collaboration – We derive our strength from working together internally as a community, and externally with other research and education networks, stakeholders and service providers.
- Accountability – We are responsible and transparently accountable for our actions and decisions.
Pro-activeness – We embrace an action and result-oriented culture.
- Community – We strive to be aware of the needs of those within the communities we serve.
- Dynamism – We adapt and respond to changing internal and external environment.
- Equity and Fairness – We focus on inclusive equity and fairness in the way we treat and work with each other, our members and our stakeholders.
Board of Trustees 2022-2025
Prof Hellicy Ngambi became the Alliance’s 4th Chairperson, effective January 1, 2024. Prof Ngambi is a Professor of Business Leadership, who became the Alliance’s 4th Chairperson, effective January 1, 2024. Prof Ngambi is the Vice Chancellor of the University of Kabwe and the founder & CEO of Mutepa RARE Solutions, she embodies the principles of Responsible, Accountable, Relevant, and Ethical (RARE) leadership. She also served as the Vice Chancellor at Mulungushi University and had leadership roles at the University of South Africa (UNISA) and Kwame Nkrumah University.
Prof. Ngambi’s has served on numerous committees and boards, including as Vice Chairperson of the Central Bank of Zambia. Her accolades, including consecutive wins of CEO African’s Most Influential Women of the Year awards and the 2017 Continental Lifetime Achiever Award, attest to her significant impact in government and business spheres.
Between 2015 and 2022, she served for two terms as a member of the UbuntuNet Alliance Board of Trustees, including one term as Vice Chairperson. She was also a member of the Zambia Research and Education Network’s (ZAMREN) Board.
Stephen Simukanga has served as the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Zambia from July 2007 to 22nd June 2015. He holds a PhD in Process Metallurgy from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK. He is Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and Chartered Engineer of the Engineering Council of the United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of both the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Engineering Institution of Zambia. He served as Registrar of the Engineers’ Registration Board of Zambia from 2000 to 2010. He is currently Vice-President, Membership and Continuous Professional Development, of the Engineering Institution of Zambia, postion held since April 2014. He has served the University of Zambia for 23 years, before July 2007 as a lecturer/Researcher in the School of Mines of the University of Zambia where he rose to the position of Professor in Metallurgy and Mineral Processing. Stephen Simukanga has served as visiting lecturer at the University of Cape Town and University of Zimbabwe.
Dr. Sansa-Otim is a resourceful and productive researcher who has been part of the ICT sector for over 20 years. During this period, she has led several research and consultancy initiatives in this field. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at Makerere University College of Computing and Information Sciences and leads the WIMEA lab where Internet of Things research is conducted. She served as Head of Department in the Networks department of the same college 2010 – 2017. Her research team has won research grants from a number of Development agencies resulting into capacity building for a number of partner institutions. In these research efforts she works with colleagues and students from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, Rwanda, South Africa, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. She has undertaken multi-disciplinary studies with colleagues from the Health, Meteorology, Agriculture, Engineering and Entomology disciplines.
Julianne obtained her PhD in communication networks from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Science and Mathematics from Makerere University in Uganda. She received certification training as a network professional from the University of Central England. In addition, she served as an external examiner for the University of Rwanda. She is an avid researcher and has published extensively in reputable journals locally and internationally with over 30 peer-reviewed publications. She has also supervised over 20 graduate students.
She served on the UbuntuNet Alliance Board of Trustees as Vice Chairperson from 2019 to 2022 and also serves on RENU’s Board of Directors from 2018 todate.
Prof Madara Ogot has worked as a Professor in Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Nairobi, Kenya where he previously served as the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Enterprise. He is a holder of two doctorate degrees; a PhD in Mechanical Engineering obtained from Pennsylvania State University (United States) in 1991 and in Business Administration (Strategic Management) from the University of Nairobi in 2014. He graduated with a BSE (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton University (United States) in 1987, an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University (United States) in 1989 and an MBA (Strategic Management) from the Rutgers University Graduate School of Management (United States) in 1997. He served as Managing Director of the University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services Ltd (UNES), the commercial arm of the University from 2006-2011 before joining Maseno University as Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs in 2011. He was appointed Director for Research and Extension at the University of Nairobi in 2016 before ascending to the position of Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Production and Extension in 2018. In 2019, he was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Enterprise at the University of Nairobi.
Harinaina has over 15 years of experience in the ICT field. She has been Project Manager of i RENALA, the NREN of Madagascar since 2013. At present, she is doubling as Acting Chairperson of the NREN (since 2020) and representative CEO. She also involved in Madagascar’s Global Internet eXChange (MGIX) since 2016. In 2006, Harinaina co-founded CORE-DEV Engineering SARL, a consulting firm specializing in Engineering, Advice, Studies and Training in the ICT field in Madagascar. She teaches ICT at Higher Institute of Technology in Antananarivo (IST-T) since 2009.
Associate Professor Luke Evuta Mumba’s career spans over 37 years from 1985 to date. He is a career scientist and an academician with impeccable record of publications and qualifications from the University of Zambia (BSc), University of Wales (MSc) and Cambridge University (PhD) with vast experience in implementing education, science, technology and innovation programmes at national and international levels. He is passionate about science-based development, human capital development (in all field of science, technology and innovation), especially promoting the advancement of young scientists, engineers, technicians and women. He is a transformative and innovative leader who has served up to the highest level in Management as Vice Chancellor at the University but also held Senior Management positions at regional and continental levels at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa and at the African Union’s New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), respectively.
Prof Mumba is well vested in international cooperation and partnerships, and conversant with the challenges and opportunities in higher education, Science, Technology and Innovation globally, regionally and at national level. I am skilled in programme and project leadership and management for results, administration of grants and institutional budgets and human resources management. Above all, I am a hard-worker, self-motivated, able to work independently but also an effective team player. He posses excellent interpersonal, communication and strategic planning skills with highest professional standards, thriving to deliver programmes and projects that yield multiple benefits to society. He has demonstrated abilities to leverage funds and manage a multiple-thematic area, multiple-disciplinary, multi-country and multicultural teams to achieve set targets collectively. He is a strong believer that networking and partnerships are cornerstones for the growth and development of any organization or institution in the global knowledge economy.
On 1st of July 2016 Professor Mumba assumed the position of Vice Chancellor of Zambia’s leading University, the University of Zambia(UNZA), on a manifesto dubbed, “Transformation of the University of Zambia: Reposition UNZA for the future”. At the time UNZA was ranked number 55 in Africa. Arising from his innovative and visionary leadership, by 2021, the Ranking Web of Universities ranked UNZA at number 18 among the top 200 Universities in Africa. This was a record improvement in UNZA’s rankings.
Prior to returning to UNZA in July 2016, Prof Mumba spent 10 years of service at the African Union’s NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) in South Africa. His last portfolio in NPCA was that of Coordinator of the African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) Initiative of NEPAD. He also held the position of Regional Director for the Southern Africa Network for Biosciences (SANBio) a programme of NEPAD which was hosted at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria, South Africa. In 2010 the CSIR awarded Prof Mumba a prize for Management Excellence in his capacity as Director of SANBio. He was also held the position of Coordinator of NEPAD Regional Centres and Initiatives, a continental Programme for two years. His last portfolio in NEPAD before re-joining the University of Zambia as Vice Chancellor was that of Coordinator of the African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) Initiative of NEPAD, a continent wide programme on monitoring and evaluation of Africa’s performance in STI.
In recognition of his contributions to research and human capital development in Africa through the NEPAD platform of Networks of Centres of Excellence, in 2013 Professor Mumba was profiled as one of the 10 extraordinary African Professionals in Science in Africa in a publication by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the International Foundation for Science (IFS) entitled: “Agricultural Innovations for Sustainable Development”.
From 2001- to 2004, Prof Mumba was substantive the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences, one of the three largest Schools of the University of Zambia. He initially started as Acting Dean from 1996-2001. From 1995 to 1996 he was the Head of the Department of Biological Sciences. In 1987-1991 he was Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Students in the same School until he left for his PhD studies at University of Cambridge inn 1991. He has previously held dual appointments as an Associate Professor in genetics and biotechnology in the Department of Biological Sciences at UNZA; and an Extraordinary Associate Professorship in the Department of Botany & Zoology of the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
He has a PhD in Plant Genetics from University of Cambridge (1994); an MSc in Molecular Genetics from University of Wales (1987), UK; and a BSc in Biology & Chemistry from UNZA (1985). He has trained undergraduate and postgraduate students and has published extensively in local and international journals and contributed book chapters. He is a recipient of several Awards including the Beit Trust Fellowship, the British Council/ODA Fellowship, UNESCO Research Fellowship and the Rodger Gilbert Memorial Award of the University College of Swansea in Wales. He did his post-doctoral research at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA under a UNESCO Fellowship.
His areas of expertise and research include plant breeding, biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, biosafety, Science Technology and Innovation Indicators/Policy and emerging fields such as management of intellectual assets related to plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge. He has contributed to the development of many national, regional and international strategies including the African Union Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa-2024 (AU STISA-2024), and has participated in various conferences and expert consultation panels on S&T. Prof Mumba is also renowned for having championed dialogue on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) both locally and internationally under the auspices of the Biotechnology Outreach Society of Zambia (BOSZ), a professional organization for which he was the founding Director. Through BOSZ he was invited as keynote speaker to various national and international fora on biotechnology and Biosafety.
He has served on various international boards including, the Technical Advisory Board of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB); International Scientific Advisory Board of the Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS) and the South Africa Malaria Initiative (SAMI); the African Regional Postgraduate Progamme in Insect Science (ARPIS) at the International Centre for Insect Physiology (ICIPE), Kenya.; appointed as Country Coordinator for Zambia by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) for the Project on Improving Rural Livelihoods in Southern Africa in 2004. More recently he has been appointed as a Trustee to the UbuntuNet Alliance, and a Board Member of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture, Science, Technology and Innovation (RUFORUM) and as Chairperson of the Audit Committee in the same organization.
Further he has been a Board Member of the Zambia World Life Authority (ZAWA); Member of the University of Zambia Council and Senate; Chairman of the National AIDs Council Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC); Board Chairman of David Kaunda Secondary School; and Member of the Board of Kafue Boys Secondary School as well as Chairman of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) at the same School; and currently Member of the National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC); Board Member of the Zambia Education and Research Network (ZAMREN) and more recently as Chairperson of the ZAMREN Board; as Chairperson of the Zambia Association of Universities and Colleges (ZACU), etc, etc. As Vice Chancellor of the University of Zambia for nearly 6 years, he has been privileged to be a member of the University of Zambia Council and Chairperson of the University Senate.
Finally, but not the least, Prof Mumba is an effective communicator, team player, hard worker and he thrives working in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams. He is a strong believer that networking and partnerships are cornerstones for the growth and development of any modern time organization or institution.
Lourino Alberto Chemane is an Assistant Professor at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique since 2014 working in ICT field where he joined in 1993 as a junior researcher. He has a number of scientific publications in scientific jounarl and international conferences related to ICT. He is the Chairman of the National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (INTIC), the ICT regulator of Mozambique, since 2021. He was the ICT Adviser of the Minister of Science and Technology and Higher Education of Mozambique from 2010 to 2021. He was also the CEO of MoRENet from 2016 to 2021.
He holds a PhD (2011) from the Stockholm University in Computer and Systems Sciences where he conducted studies in building value networks. He holds a Master (1999) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pretoria, a Master (2007) in eGovernance from EPFL in Switzerland, and a Diploma (2018) in Contemporary Diplomacy with Specialization in Internet Governance from the University of Malta. He has a Diploma and is a member of the first generation of the Emerging African Innovation Leaders Programme by Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino in 2019.
He is the member of the International Council of IT in Public Administration (ICA) since 2016, a member of the African Technology Studies Network (ATPS) for more than 20 years and has been representing the Government of Mozambique in ICT foruns and meetings of the SADC, African Union, Portuguese Speaking Countries since 2002.
Nancy Chitera is the Vice Chancellor for Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences and an accomplished academic with over 13 years’ experience of higher education management and leadership as well as over 20 years of teaching at the University. Previously Dr. Nancy Chitera has served in different management positions such as Principal, vice principal, Dean as well as Head of Departments of Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences and the University of Malawi.
Further she has served as a Senator of both Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences and University of Malawi, she has been a trustee member of University of Malawi Pension Fund and has served on different boards such as Mzuzu University Council; Nasawa Technical College; Blantyre Synod University, Women’s Legal Resources Centre (Wolrec) among others.
Nancy Chitera obtained her PhD in mathematics education from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Mathematical Sciences and Bachelor of Education (Science) from the University of Malawi. She received professional training in Higher Education Management at the University of Applied Sciences, Osnabruck in Germany and University of Regina, Canada. She is not only well published in various academic journals but has also worked as an expert consultant in mathematics education in Malawi.
She has served as a visiting scholar at the University of Witwatersrand under the Wits Africa Residency Grant. In addition, she serves as an external examiner for the University of Witwatersrand. She is an avid researcher and has published extensively in reputable journals locally and internationally. She has served on a number of editorial boards such as Association of Mathematical Education in South Africa (AMESA) among others. She has also served as reviewer of reputable journals such as International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), Pythagoras, Malawi Journal of Applied Sciences, African journal of Research of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ARJMSTE) and Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association (SAMSA).
Nancy Chitera belongs to a number of professional bodies including Third World Organization of Women in Science (TWOS), Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association (SAMSA), Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), International Congress on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) and International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA).
Musa is the Group Chief Technology Officer for CSquared Group (UG, KE, GH, LR, DRC, Togo) since July 2021 after having acted in the same role since 2019. He has risen through the ranks becoming the Chief Technology Officer for Uganda since 2017.
Musa holds a BSc. Electrical Engineering from Makerere University and a 2010 MBA graduate from ESAMI. Most recently, in 2021 he completed an Executive Leadership course, the CEO Apprenticeship Program at Strathmore Business School and CEO Summit Uganda.
His career in the ICT/Telecoms space spans over 20 years across 4 organizations including Celtel, MTN Uganda, Warid and Google/CSquared working in the fields of network/product design, deployment, operations/maintenance, project management, technology roadmaps, spectrum management and regulatory compliance.
Musa is a Chartered Engineer CEng of the Engineering Council of UK. A member of the Institution of Engineering & Technology IET MIET in the UK. He is a Registered Engineer with the Engineers’ Registration Board of Uganda REng, a member of the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers MUIPE and a certified Project Management Professional PMP ® with the PMI.
Ms. Dorcas Muthoni is an entrepreneur, computer scientist and founder of OpenBusiness Africa. She started her software at the age of 24. She is greatly passionate about the transformation of African enterprises through technology. Muthoni is also the founder of the regional organization AfChix, a mentorship and capacity building initiative for women in computing across Africa. Globally, she has been involved and honored in technology leadership by the Internet Society (ISOC) as an Internet Hall Of Fame Global Connector, World Economic Forum (WEF) as a Young Global Leader (YGL), AnitaB Institute as a Change Agent Award Winner and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Spain.
Previous Boards
- Prof Stephen Simukanga – Chairperson
- Dr Julianne Sansa-Otim – Vice Chair
- Dr Mathews Mutumbuka – CEO
- Prof Hellicy Ngambi
- Dr Magreth Mushi
- Mr Duncan Greaves
- Prof Meoli Kashorda
- Prof Tim Waema
- Prof Raft Razafindrakoto
- Prof Stephen Simukanga – Chairperson
- Prof Hellicy Ng’ambi – Vice Chairperson
- Dr Pascal Hoba – CEO
- Prof Idris Rai
- Prof Timothy WaenaWaema
- Eng. Isaac Kasana
- Prof Juma Shabani
- Prof Raft Razafindrakoto
- Prof Dr. Dibungi Kalenda
- Prof John Ssebuwufu – Chairperson (ex oficio)
- Prof Iman Abuel Maaly Abdelrahman – Deputy Chair
- Dr Pascal Hoba – CEO (ex oficio)
- Prof Hellicy Ngambi
- Ms Josephine Nyiranzeyimana
- Mr Duncan Greaves
- Prof Meoli Kashorda
- Prof Dibungi Kalenda
- Prof Raft Razafindrakoto
- Prof John Ssebuwufu – Chairperson (ex oficio)
- Prof Iman Abuel Maaly Abdelrahman – Deputy Chair
- Eng Dr Francis F. Tusubira – CEO (ex oficio)
- Dr Boubakar Barry
- Prof Dibungi Kalenda
- Mr Duncan Greaves
- Prof Meoli Kashorda
- Prof Stephen Simukanga
- Prof Zimani D. Kadzamira – Chairperson (ex oficio)
- Prof Iman Abuel Maaly Abdelrahman – Deputy Chair
- Eng Dr Francis F. Tusubira – CEO (ex oficio)
- Dr Lishan Adam
- Dr Boubar Barry
- Prof Dibungi Kalenda
- Prof Meoli Kashorda
- Prof John Kondoro
- Dr Duncan Martin
- Prof Zimani Kadzamira – Chairperson (ex oficio)
- Dr Iman Abuel Maaly Abdelrahman – Deputy Chair
- Dr Duncan Martin
- Prof Meoli Kashorda
- Mr Steve Song
- Prof John Kondoro
- Ms Margaret Ngwira
- Mr Albert Nsengiyumva
- Eng Dr Francis Tusubira – CEO (ex oficio)
- Prof Zimani Kadzamira – Chairperson (ex oficio)
- Mr Albert Nsengiyumva – Deputy Chairperson
- Eng Victor Kyalo
- Dr Duncan Martin
- Dr Jameson Mbale
- Dr Americo Muchanga
- Ms Margaret Ngwira
- Dr Francis Tusubira
- Eng Victor Kyalo
- Dr Duncan Martin
- Mr Albert Nsengiyumva
- Ms Margaret Ngwira
- Mr Americo Muchanga

For More Information or Assistance on Administrative Affairs Contact:
Beatrice Ng’ambi
Ag. Finance and Administration Manager