IST-Africa 2017 goes to Windhoek, submission of papers closes 23rd December 2016

After successfully holding its eleventh annual conference (IST-Africa 2016) in April this year in Durban, South Africa where UbuntuNet Alliance, GEANT, ASREN and WACREN held an AfricaConnect2 workshop, IST-Africa is set to be back with its twelfth edition of the conference, IST-Africa2017 in Windhoek, Namibia in May 2017.

Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission, IST-Africa is a series of Ministerial level Technology Research Conferences that provide a platform in Africa to strengthen ICT-enabled Innovation, Science and Technology related policy dialogues within Africa and between Africa and Europe, Global Development, Research and Innovation Cooperation and Community.

In Durban this year, AfricaConnect2 organised a workshop titled Value Added Connectivity for Research and Education in Africa where UbuntuNet- Alliance, GEANT, ASREN and WACREN partnered to showcase the success stories and well as reveal expected outcomes of the AfricaConnect2 project.

From Durban, IST-Africa 2017 will now be hosted by the Government of Namibia through the National Commission on Research and Technology and the IST-Africa 2017 organising committee is currently receiving papers and workshop proposals for presentation at the conference.

Interested presenters are encouraged to prepare an 8-page paper (4,000 – 5,000 words) following the IST-Africa paper guidelines and paper template for submission online by the extended deadline of 23rd December 2016.

Further details regarding the conference are available on the IST-Africa 2017 portal.

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