UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 | 12/13 November 2009 | Kampala, Uganda

“Opening new frontiers in Research and Education Networking in Africa”

Group photo

Group photo of participants at UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 at Africana Hotel, Kampala, Uganda on 12th November 2009

UbuntuNet Alliance in Association with RENU, the NREN of Uganda organised UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 on 12th – 13th November 2009 at Hotel Africana in Kampala, Uganda. The theme for the Conference was “Opening new frontiers for Research and Education  Networking in Africa.”

The conference was officially opened by the Ugandan Minister of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Hon Mr Aggrey Awori. The annual conference brought together over 100 practitioners and stakeholders to address current challenges, share lessons, and plan for the continuing growth of research and education networks in Africa. UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 also provided opportunities for special interest groups (such as the one on Grid Computing)  to share their experiences and plans in the light of improving connectivity across the continent.

UbuntuNet-Connect 2009 was preceded a 5 day NREN Routing Workshop; a 1 day Grid Computing Tutorial; and a 1 day FEAST Meeting.


0730-0815 Registration, By Slyvia Nakajjugo and Ireen Kitimbo
0815-0950 Conference Opening, By Iman Maaly Abdelrahman, SUIN CEO
0815-0830 Introductions (by country), By Patrick Mangheni, RENU CEO
0830-0840 Welcome remarks from RENU, By S. Noll, RENU Chair
0840-0850 Brief remarks from Platinum Sponsors, By JP de Leu, SEACOM and Ryan Sher, WIOCC
0850-0905 Setting the stage: Building the backbone, one piece at a time, By  FF Tusubira, UbuntuNet Alliance CEO
0905-0925 Keynote Address: Opening New Frontiers for Research and Education Networking in Africa, By Z. Kadzamira, UbuntuNet Alliance Chairman
0925-0950 Speech by the Guest of Honour and Official Opening, Hon. Aggrey Awori, Minister of ICT, Uganda
0950-1030 Group photograph and Health Break
1030-1245 Sub-theme 1: Infrastructure, Network Deployment and Operations, Session Chair: Steve Song
1030–1100 Keynote Presentation:It’s all about sharing… Co-operation and sharing, By Duncan Martin, TENET CEO and UbuntuNet Alliance Board member
1100-1115 Deploying RENU, By Joseph Kimali, RENU
1115-1130 Video Conferencing over limited links: the GLOBAL Project, By Margaret Ngwira and Tiwonge Banda, UbuntuNet Alliance
1130-1155 Pitfalls and challenges in deploying national and regional networks: experiences from Europe, By Cathrin Stover, DANTE
1155-1210 Discussion
1210-1235 Pitfalls and challenges in deploying national and regional networks: experiences from the USA, By Don Riley, University of Maryland
1235-1245 Discussion
1245-1345 Lunch Break
1345-1530 Sub-theme 2: Approaches and Initiatives for Regional and International Connectivity, Session Chair: Albert Nsengiyumva
1345-1405 African Internet eXchange System (AXIS), By Eric Osiakwan, Executive Secretary, AfrISPA
1405-1425 Discussion
1425-1440 AfricaConnect and EU Support, By Carmen Mena-Abela, European Union Representative
1440-1500 AfricaConnect Feasibility Study (FEAST), By  Bjorn Pehrson
1500-1525 Discussion
1525-1545 Health Break
1545-1600 SEACOM Update, By JP de Leu, SEACOM Representative
1600-1615 Discussion
1615-1630 EASSy Update, By Ryan Sher, WIOCC Representative
1630-1645 Discussion
1800-2100 Cultural gala and cocktail, Uganda Communication Commission
0815-1020 Sub-theme 3: Bringing Content Networks on Board, Session Chair: Dr. Nora Mulira, DICTS DIRECTOR
0815–0825 A task for NREN’s: Application Support and Services, By Gerti Foest, DFN- Verein
0825–0840 Discussion
0840–0910 Challenges and solutions to sharing Library content, By Maria Musoke, Librarian, Makerere University
0910–0920 Discussion
0920–0940 Applications and content in Agriculture, By Nodumo Dhlamini and Wellington Okaya, RUFORUM
0940–0950 Discussion
0950–1010 IT Applications and content in health sciences, By Nelson Sewankambo (Principal, College of Health Sciences, Makerere Univ)
1010–1020 Discussion
1020–1045 Health Break
1045–1105 Malawian Light House Demonstrators, By Bruce Zamaere, University of Malawi, College of Medicine
1105–1115 Discussion
1145–1245 Sub-theme 4: Policy, regulation, and government support, SessionChair: Patrick Masambu
1145–1205 Overcoming policy and regulatory challenges to NREN development, By Abi Jagun
1205–1215 From Agent to licenced NREN operator, By Duncan Martin
1215–1235 KENET – KEnya Education Network – KENET Presentation Ubuntunet Connect, By Meoli Kashorda and Kevin Chiege, KENET
1235 – 1245 4R Impact Mode, 4R Impact Model: Envisages the Impact of Telecommunications Policy and Regulations on NREN’s  including NREN’s in construction, By Jameson Mbale
1245 Summing up and closing, Dr. Patrick Mangheni

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