Brazilian NREN aids MoRENet in Identity Federation, eduroam set up

The Mozambique Research and Education Network (MoRENet) should soon be able to assemble its own Identity Federation and deploy eduroam, thanks to a project that will see the NREN acquiring knowledge on how to implement the two initiatives from the Brazilian National Research and Education Network (RNP).

Presently, MoRENet has already signed eduroam compliance and eduGAIN Policy Declaration documents and since September this year, RNP staff have been training MoRENet personnel on technical and governance requirements to assemble an Identity federation (CAF-Moz) and eduroam.

Under this agreement, which has been facilitated under the MAGIC project, RNP provided online training to MoRENet team in October, approaching all concepts of Identity management, Identity Federation implementation and eduroam.

Speaking on the initiative RNP’s Service Manager Leandro Guiimaraes expressed satisfaction with the initiative saying the MoRENet team is very motivated to reach the goals established adding that ‘the milestone is excellent to Mozambique, excellent to Africa, Excellent to Brazil, excellent to the MAGIC Project and of course, excellent for the community.”

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