UbuntuNet Alliance Joins DataCite

Lilongwe, Malawi: 10th June 2021: UbuntuNet Alliance is pleased to announce that the Executive Board of DataCite has accepted UbuntuNet Alliance as a member of DataCite.

DataCite is a leading provider of persistent identifiers for research. Through its portfolio of services, DataCite provides the means to create, find, cite, connect, and use research. It seeks to create value and develop community-driven, innovative, open, integrated, usable, and sustainable services for research.

As a Consortium Member of DataCite, UbuntuNet Alliance will now have the opportunity to distribute Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to organizations in Eastern and Southern Africa to assign to their digital and data repositories.

“DataCite would like to welcome UbuntuNet Alliance as a new member. We are very pleased that UbuntuNet Alliance is joining the DataCite community and we are looking forward to working with the Alliance and its members. One of the main priorities of DataCite is to make sure that the Alliance gets the most out of DataCite’s services,” says DataCite Executive Director, Matt Buys. 

UbuntuNet Alliance CEO, Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka says: “The development will help the research and education community to easily locate their intellectual output on the Internet thereby encouraging more researchers and authors from the region to publish their research output and also share knowledge with their peers from within the region and beyond. We would like to urge our NREN Members to contact us and subscribe for this service.”

Further Press Information:

Hastings Ndebvu

Communications Officer/ UbuntuNet Alliance

Cell: +265999029434

Email: hastings.ndebvu@ubuntunet.net

Skype: hastings.ndebvu

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