Notice of the UbuntuNet Alliance 14th Annual General Meeting of Members

UbuntuNet Alliance wishes to inform all Members that the 14th Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM) will be held on Friday, 17thth April 2020 in Kigali, Rwanda starting from 9am.

The AGM is the highest governing body of UbuntuNet Alliance and is composed of NREN Members, Observer Members (from NRENs in construction), Affiliate Members and Industry Members. Each Member, regardless of category has a right to participate in the AGM, but only NREN Members have the right to vote.

Members in good standing are therefore requested to submit names of their Representatives (one per Member) to the AGM. As is the practice, it is desirable – but not mandatory – that the Representative is the Chairperson or Member of the Board of the NREN so that there is a linkage between the policy level of UbuntuNet Alliance and the policy level of the member institutions of the NRENs. CEOs of NRENs are encouraged to attend.

The Agenda for the AGM will include the following:

  1. To consider and adopt the Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2019;
  2. To consider and adopt the audited Annual Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2019;
  3. Upon adoption of the audited Annual Accounts, to release Trustees from liability, according to Article 16(2);
  4. Appointment of Auditors for the financial year 2020;
  5. To consider the resolution to amend the constitution of UbuntuNet Alliance;
  6. Business presented for discussion by the Board of Trustees or Members representing in the aggregate at least one-tenth of the total number of votes that may be cast in a meeting of the Members.

A detailed Agenda and accompanying papers for the 14th AGM will be sent to all Members in due course.

Names and contact details of the Member Representative should be submitted to by Friday,21st February  2020, to help the Secretariat in logistics. As per the agreement reached in 2019, each Member will cover the cost of participation for its Representative.

Pre-AGM Events

The 14th AGM will be preceded by a series of other events as follows:

  • NREN Leaders Indaba. This 1 day Executive Seminar will be attended by CEOs of NRENs to discuss issues affecting NRENs in 2020s. The Seminar will be funded by AfricaConnect3. Further details will be communicated in due course.
  • RwEdNet Workshop. This workshop will be organised by RwEdNet, targeting its local community.

The AGM and all preceding events will be hosted by the University of Rwanda on behalf of Rwanda Education Network (RwEdNet).

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