UbuntuNet Alliance elects new Trustees

UbuntuNet Alliance elected new Trustees at its 9th Annual General Meeting held on 27th March 2015 in Lilongwe, Malawi. The Alliance sees back people like Dr Iman Abuel Maaly Abdelrahman from Sudan, Kenya’s Prof. Meoli Kashorda, Prof. Dibungi Kalenda of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mr Duncan Greaves of South Africa.

New blood among the Trustees include; Prof. Raft Razafindrakoto of Madagascar, from Zambia is Prof. Hellicy Ng’ambi and not forgetting the youthful Ms Josephine Nyiranzeyimana of Rwanda.

The Chairperson of UbuntuNet Alliance, Professor John Ssebuwufu has since congratulated the new Board of Trustees which will be in office for the next  two years. The Trustees represent the interests of the Alliance as a whole and not that of their home country or the NREN that nominated them.

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